How do I check my exam score - contact us @ 1-877-357-7744 and we will get you access to your exam scores located at TesTrac
How do I get a transcript copy for my boss? contact us @ 1-877-357-7744 - SUT does not have transcripts for Qualification Certs.
Below is click and save student information -
Don't See it? email or contact us @ 1-877-357-7744
Doc1 SUT Candidate Handbook 2013 V1.1.pdf
Doc1.1 Amendment to the existing SUT CPE Effective 1st January 20117.2013.pdf
Doc3 Candidate Certification Agreement Form V5 Fillable.pdf
Doc4 SUT Application Endorsement Form 2013v11 Fillable.pdf
Doc9 SUT Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Form Fillable.pdf
Doc12 Privacy Statement for Data Collected Online SUT.pdf
Doc13 Student Qualification Certification Log Fillable.pdf
Doc13.1 Student Renewal Qualification Certification Log Fillable.pdf
Doc14 SUT Grievance or Complaint Policy Fillable.pdf
Doc41 SUT EthicsComplaint Fillable.pdf
Doc44 SUT Proctor Policy and Retake Policy Fillable.pdf
Doc45 SUT Certification Policies and Procedures Manual Modification and Training Log fillable.pdf
Doc49.1 SUT Notice to Student ANSI Complaint Procedures fillable.pdf
Doc51 SUT AdultVolunteerForm fillable.pdf
Doc53 SUT AdultParticipationFormFillable.pdf