Center for Qualified CyberSecurity Excellence & Mastery

"Where Qualified Cyber Education Happens"

Text Box: Security University Testing

The Advisory Board oversees the certification affairs of the SUT organization.
The Governing Board consists of security professionals from the IT industry and representatives from IT companies. SUT Q/ISP consists of the following Governing Bodies:

  1. SUT Management Committee
  2. SUT Honorary Council
  3. SUT QPTL Governing Board
  4. SUT Q/FE Forensic Board
  5. SUT Scheme Committee


The Honorary Council is a member based network of volunteers that are the topcyber security experts in their fields. Each Qualification has an Honorary counsel which contributes back to society. An invitation is extended based on contribution to the cyber security community. And are an independent voice of the industry.

Their leadership role is honored and they can proudly declare their membership in the Honorary Council.

Roles and Responsibilities in IA, Wireless, Software Security.

Their contribution can be in many ways:

Honorary Council members are not employed or otherwise by SUT.

Join the Board
If you would like to join SUT as honorary member, please send us your resume and your academic achievements to