Center for Qualified CyberSecurity Excellence & Mastery

"Where Qualified Cyber Education Happens"

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Class Schedule

Class scheduled is located on the Schedule page. Or call 203-249-8364

Enrollment Requirements

STUDENT ENTRANCE REQUIREMENT In order to be admitted as a student at Security University, a student must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). TCP/IP is the language a computer uses to access the Internet. It consists of a suite of protocols designed to establish a network of networks to provide a host with access to the Internet. TCP/IP defines the details of how data is sent and received through network adapters, hubs, switches, routers and other network communications hardware.

Sufficient knowledge of TCP/IP is essential and fundamental for a prospective student to understand and address the coursework at Security University.

An applicant to Security University can demonstrate sufficient knowledge of TCP/IP in a variety of ways. Most students provide evidence of work experience where the prospective student has been exposed to and/or utilized TCP/IP in his or her employment. While 2 months of experience on your resume helps, there is no exact amount of time period of employment with TCP/IP required, the length of employment and the nature of employment are the two primary factors that will be considered (along with any other relevant factors) when determining whether or not sufficient work experience will qualify a student as having sufficient knowledge of TCP/IP. Prospective students may submit other evidence of sufficient knowledge of TCP/IP, including, but not limited to, personal experiences, other coursework and or other circumstances where the prospective student can submit evidence of sufficient knowledge of TCP/IP for consideration for entry into Security University. The President of Security University and/or any board designated by the President shall determine whether or not a student has sufficient knowledge of TCP/IP in order to be admitted into Security University. The primary consideration in such review is whether or not a student has the necessary foundation to succeed in the coursework offered at Security University and prospective students must provide accurate and complete evidence of TCP/IP for such review. All decisions made by the President or any board designated by the President are final.


All incoming Students must attend Orientation which will be held prior to the start of the program. During Orientation, the Student will learn about responsibilities and standards, the format of the program, the progression of the program, and how performance will be measured.

All classes are in taught in English. All face-to-face classes begin @7:45am on Monday 8am the rest of the week unless otherwise specified, with an hour for lunch and 2 morning and afternoon 15 min breaks. SU building is open from 7am – 6pm. Schedule hours are equal to the class contact hours in the course syllabus and catalog. Students may come into the building before 7pm or after 6pm by calling for access. Each class syllabus includes the specific class time. SU facility has 3 classrooms, 2 classrooms seat 50 students, 1 seat class room seats 15 students. 95% attendance is expected of all students. An instructor may remove any student who exceeds 3 two hours of absences. Faculty members must include in the course syllabus any attendance policies that will affect student outcomes, including those concerning tardiness and early departures from class.


Students share the responsibility of developing and maintaining an academic and professionally conducive environment with the management and staff of this institution. It is expected that each student will respect and uphold the rights of all who are involved in the educational and administrative processes of this institution by adhering to the practices and principles described herein. Students are expected to progress towards an educational, professional or vocational objective. A vocational objective is one that leads to an occupation, and the awarding of a diploma or certificate which reflects educational attainment. Student responsibilities include consistent attendance, conscientious effort within the classroom to promote an open exchange of information, and compliance with standard academic practices. Furthermore, students are advised of their right to pursue their education in a setting free of harassment or discrimination, and are expected to apply the same values to the staff and their peers. Program of education. (i) Is any unit course or subject or combination of courses or subjects which is pursued by a veteran, dislocated worker, non-traditional student or service member at an educational institution, which is a combination of cyber courses pursued at SU. The combination of cybersecurity classes is accepted as necessary to meet requirements for a predetermined educational, professional or vocational objective for 5 Certificate Programs of Mastery. It may consist of subjects or courses which fulfill requirements for more than one cyber certificate objective related to a cybersecurity career field. Including an approved full-time program of apprenticeship or on-job training;


SU does not provide Financial Aid, Loans or scholarships at this time. Student may secure private loans to pay tuition and fees. Please check with the President to discuss financial options at 203-249-8364.
A prospective or current student may cancel their Certificate Program of Mastery enrollment through the last day of class and receive a 100% refund of all tuition and fees paid. Pro Rated is not necessary for pay as you go plan students. Any student who paid by credit card is be responsible for a 6% credit card processing fee. Students requesting refunds for lump sum tuition paid for the CPoM ($26,500 for 13 courses) will go before the advisory board for review. Technically if a student completes 6 classes there is no $0 remaining refund. ($3,990 x 6) as the tuition when compared to the pay as you go plans is reduced to zero. Applicants and students must request a refund via email or phone call. All refunds are issued within 30 days of the date of the written request or the last day of class attendance if no written notice is given. SU reserves the right to cancel a class at any time. If this happens, SU will refund the class fee in full. SU’s liability is limited to the class fees only. SU cannot be held liable for other related expenses, i.e., airfare, airline penalties, lodging, etc. Should a prospective or current student request to re-schedule for extenuating or unforeseen circumstances, SU requests the student re-register for the next class date at no additional charge. SU refunds are within 30 days after receipt of a written request or the date the student last attended classes whichever is sooner.

An applicant must demonstrate the character readiness, and commitment to successfully complete the academic program for which admission is requested. In determining whether to grant or deny admission, SU will consider information about the applicant’s prior postsecondary educational experiences, employment record, credit record and any criminal record. SU reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant who SU, on the basis of background, record, statements, and conduct during the admissions process, determines to not be qualified to succeed in or benefit from an academic program offered by SU.


This School may accept appropriate credit from previous education after enrollment. This School does not guarantee the transferability of its credits unless there is a written articulation agreement with the institution. This School may accept credit hours for valid credential. An official transcript will be used to determine the appropriate entry point into the curriculum to provide a better educational experience.


SU is committed to equal educational opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin / national origin, disability, perceived gender, or gender identity. The School is responsible for ensuring that students with disabilities are provided Reasonable Accommodations that meet their corresponding needs (academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and services). Student requests for accommodation will be considered under the Reasonable Accommodation Policy and in Compliance with the ADA as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 without discrimination. All requests should go to the president.


SU is approved for the tuition assistance Army credentialing program, veteran’s educational benefits for veterans, eligible dependents of deceased or disabled veterans, and active status National Guard and Reserve personnel. Any Student interested in this type of benefit must verify with the school representative that the school is approved by the state approving agency for veteran’s educational benefits. If a current veteran student wants to transfer to SU from another school, the Student must withdraw from their present School and then enroll at the new School.


Students who are eligible for VA benefits must provide a copy of their VA Certificate of Eligibility letter or Entitlement Information print-out from “eBenefits” (for Chapter 33) or form 28-1905 (for Chapter 31) on or before the first day of Class to have their VA Educational Benefits included in their Estimated Financial Plan. Delay of VA Disbursement to School: Due to a delay in disbursement funding from VA under Chapter 31 or 33, SU will not:

Any student who attends a course under chapter 31 or 33 certificate of eligibility may attend from the beginning on the date the student provides a COE until the VA provides payment to the school or 90 days after the school certifies tuition and fees. Exam fees are line items and noted as included or not included in the class fee on each invoice and receipt “as noted above” No penalty’s late fees of denial of access to classes libraries or school facilities, or require the student borrow additional funds die to delayed payments to SU under chapter 31 or 33 unless the student is less than 100% covered. Reinstatement: A Student whose service in the uniform has required their sudden withdrawal or pro-longed absence from their enrollment, will be eligible to re-enroll at the school by consulting with the President.

Prior Credit Policy:

Per, 38CFR 21.4254 (c)(4), VA eligible Students are requested to provide a copy of all post-secondary transcripts (not just those for cyber programs). The school maintains written and digital records [if provided] of a current resume for previous education and training. Appropriate credit is granted for previous education and training, with the training period shortened proportionately for credentials earned prior to attending SU, and the Student and VA so notified. PRIOR CREDIT (PC) WAIVER can subsume required pre-class study.

VA Attendance Policy:

Attendance is evaluated each day of class. If attendance falls below 95% upon formal evaluation, the Student will be asked to correct attendance or be placed on probation. If, at the end of the probation period, the Student’s cumulative attendance does not meet 95%, the Student‘s VA benefits will be terminated. Students whose absences result from documented mitigating circumstances will not be terminated. Alternate arrangements for continuing attendance, without termination from the school may be made to make up hours, at the discretion of the President. However, veterans may not be certified to the VA for benefits during this period of make-up and VA will be notified within 30 days of the change in Student status. Students who have been terminated from the school for unsatisfactory attendance may be re-admitted at the discretion of the President or Certifying Official.

VA Conduct Policy:

Students must conduct themselves in a respectable manner at all times. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior deemed unsatisfactory conduct by school officials will result in possible termination of veteran’s educational benefits, and possible dismissal from SU. Re-admittance after conduct dismissal requires reapplication to the school.

VA Academic Progress Policy:

Academic progress will be evaluated during each class If academic progress falls below 95% upon formal evaluation, the Student will be placed on probation. If, at the end of the probation period, the Student’s cumulative academic progress does not meet 95%, the Student‘s VA benefits will be terminated. Certification to VA for payment will not be resumed until the Student has returned to a satisfactory academic status.

SU provides to Veterans and Students:

A personalized Education Training Invoice that includes costs, student debt estimates; designated points of contact for academic and advising. Accreditation of all new programs prior to enrolling students and Institutional refund policies aligned with SCHEV. This institution will not tolerate the unauthorized reproduction of software or otherwise copyrighted material by employees or students. This policy defines software as any electronic copyrighted material, including but not limited to software applications, video, audio, or other date files.

Student Expectations:

Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement of Tuition Policy:

provides for tuition relief, refunds, and reinstatement of students whose service in the uniform services has required their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from their enrollment at the institution and provides for the required re-enrollment of such students. Students who withdrew as a result of military deployment, mobilizations or duty changes are entitled to return anytime to continue their Qualified Certificate Program of Mastery. If the program was paid in full the appropriate refund will be refunded. If the student is pay as you go plan, their progress will remain as is until their return.


By policy SU does not provide (unencrypted) PII to anyone.


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is required for all enrolled Students. All students are provided access to the SAP policy during enrollment. SAP periods are based on student’s original certificate program class registration agreement and subsequent class registrations. Students meeting the minimum requirement attendance (95%) of each class are considered to be making SAP of their qualified cyber certificate program of mastery program.

Standards of Progress Policy: SU provides non-college degree (NCD) programs and vocational objectives based on hours, not credits. SAP students agreements include the following:

  1. Each course registration is a student agreement to attend the course. A syllabus is distributed to students at class registration which contains information on how students meet course completion. Each Course is 72 hrs instructor contact hours in length. Any student arriving to class greater than 3 hours will be considered absent.
  2. Student progress is measured daily for progress evaluation. Student attendance and progress reviewed by the faculty and the president daily. Students are expected to attend 95% of the 72 hours of class in order to meet the attendance requirement, unless a student is approved for extenuating circumstance or makes up class time. Students are expected to sign in and out of class daily and participate in quizzes & labs and practicums.
  3. At the end of every 72-hour class, the president and faculty review attendance and academic data to determine who have completed class and award participation agreements.

SU demonstrates a student’s progress (SOP) in learning the materials and how well they complete the class assignments and labs for the Exemplary (100-85%), Proficient (84-70%) or Failing (69% and below) grades by participation in assignments and the successful completion of course labs, quizzes and taking a required cyber exams. Students earn a participation certificate documenting their class participation completion and a transcript of their continued pursuit of their cybersecurity qualified cybersecurity certificate program of mastery and vocational objective. Based on the evidence presented, student sign in sheets, student SOP, and student exam success it is reasonable way to determine students in the program generally develop and demonstrate the quantitative cybersecurity skills needed as graduates of the vocational cybersecurity program.


Grading Policy/Standards of Progress/Practical - The purpose of SU’s Proficiency Based Grading is to set forth best practice principles for creating a scoring and reporting system that fairly and accurately reflects student learning. SU measures and accurately reflects student proficiency using a grading system of Exemplary (100-85%), Proficient (84-70%) or failing (69% and below). Students pass or fail the class based on attendance and standard of progress grades on quizzes to support the learning process and encourage student success, and ensures accuracy, consistency and fairness in scoring for each student. Exams (100-70% passing grade) are not include to determine a final pass/fail grade. The goal of a practical assessment is to measure competency. Ample practice and feedback will be given generously as students are on site in labs. Students will be periodically evaluated based upon performance and attendance. In case of a failure, the student can update or retake the assessment. The first passing grade will be recorded. The enrichments practical’s are evaluated on a Pass or Not Passed basis. Passing a course a student must have at least 4 Proficient or Exemplary grades during the 72 hr course in order to be deemed as passing and receiving SU’s participation certificate.


Each Qualified/ Cyber Security Certificate Program of Mastery fee is $26,500 and consists of 13 required instructor led courses and practicals to prepare students with the technical skills you need to be an effective cybersecurity professional. The CPoM $26,500 class fee includes all “R” required classes listed on the course fee sheet above – exams are required to graduate. Students enrolled in a CPoM using a pay as you go payment method can select from the CPoM fee chart where all classes are priced separately –final exams are a requirement for graduation.

Instructor led courses involve performing advanced procedures and services on live systems for defensive and offensive security. Each course will provide students with an understanding of the Fundamentals and Procedures of cybersecurity, system administration, networks and network security, defensive and offensive security skills necessary to complete a successful cybersecurity job task. SU training is developed by a global team of cybersecurity experts. Training covers the full spectrum of cybersecurity experience levels, from beginner to advanced, for a variety of roles including security operations (SOC), DevSecOps, WebAppSec, PenTesting, and more that align with the specific needs of core cybersecurity roles. Match today’s threat landscape with the right skills.


Upon completion of 13 required courses in a Qualified Certificate Program of Mastery a student graduates. Students will have the following:
Basic and advanced practical cybersecurity skills that lead to high wage in-demand jobs.
Mastery of in-demand cybersecurity skills, with a portfolio of projects using real-world data sets
Proficiency to advance your cybersecurity career
Earned valuable Certificate of Completion and cyber certification credentials for cyber careers
SU’s NICE publication provides a fundamental reference in support of building a workforce capable of meeting a student’s vocation objective and cybersecurity needs by using a common, consistent lexicon to describe cybersecurity work by category, specialty area, and work role using a superset of cybersecurity Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) and Tasks necessary for each cyber work role. SU supports the NICE Framework for cybersecurity education, training, workforce development, planning, and education.


Course content is identified and prioritized through NICE, National Initiative for Cyber Education and Cyber Industry standards with employer’s desires. All classes are approved for face to face or hybrid DE. This 72 hour accelerated class is taught using face to face modality or hybrid modality. Class includes 72 hours of contact studies, labs, reading assignments and final exam - passing the final exam is a requirement for graduation.


In a student-centered classroom, Educators will instruct and coach students to achieve competency in all the various skill sets, through problem solving, self-paced study, interactive theory, hands-on practice and exam assessment. Enrichment Activities and practical’s are provided so student can individualize their cyber education roadmap, gaining experience to extend their learning to improve or enhance skills, knowledge, and well-being. Enrichment and practical’s gives the student more time to study concepts with greater depth, breadth, and complexity. Enrichment also provides opportunities for students to pursue learning in their own areas of cyber interest and strengths. Enrichment keeps advanced students engaged and supports their accelerated academic needs.


Each classroom will have the following: Textbooks, Tools / Equipment and cyber tools. In addition, the school is provided with an internet connection allowing accessibility to current Websites, Videos, and Tutorials. Electronic and/or hard copies of any Textbooks, Periodicals or other Reference Materials may also be available. The school has a library of additional educational materials (i.e. books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, etc.) which the students utilize to supplement their learning.


In order to graduate students must complete curriculum requirements, exams and fulfill all financial obligations. Upon completion of all course requirements, successful completion of the instructor led classes, and earning requisite credential after passing requisite exam, and passing the practical(s) is required to obtain a Qualified/ Cyber Security CPoM participation certificate that leads to high wage, in-demand cyber employment. A security+credential makes IT/ cyber adults eligible for cyber jobs in the DMV.


Each Qualified/ Cyber Security Certificate Program of Mastery fee is $26,500 and consists of 13 required instructor led courses and practicals to prepare students with the technical skills you need to be an effective cybersecurity professional. The CPoM $26,500 class fee includes all “R” required classes listed on the course fee sheet above – exams are required to graduate. Students selecting a pay as you go plan enroll in a CPoM with the 13 required courses, then select from the CPoM fee chart of classes separately priced – exams are required to graduate.


During career planning interviews and Student orientation, students receive information about the qualified cybersecurity certificate instructional programs, goals of each course, policies affecting students and services available to Students. Our goal is to provide you with a clear picture about:


SU strives to assist every graduate in obtaining a career-related position. Employment opportunities are available for review from 3rd party cybersecurity employer recruiters. Career guidance is available. Regulations prohibit any school, college or institution of higher learning from guaranteeing placement as an inducement to enter school. Career advising, placement services and employment opportunities. SU does not provide job placement services however SU does provide independent training plan consultation (upon request) to determine student’s certification path to increase their interview opportunities before/ after class registration. SU is frequently requested to post cyber job openings and career links to SU websites, advertise job opportunities and host career fairs. ( SU sends emails to students with local and national career fair events and job announcements. Upon registering for class, SU’s President reviews each student’s current eligibility to determine an effective independent training plan that review cyber credentials to increase interview opportunities that may lead to high wage in-demand employment. SU students can request a review of their own qualifications for CPE credits (Continuing Professional Education) or validate their cyber credentials, modify personal records, accesses information pertaining to their certification(s) by contacting SU 7X24 via email to make an appointment.

Sample Job Titles
CISO, ISSO, ISSO II, PKI engineer, Network Security Engineer, Assurance Officer, Compliance Manager
Blue Team Technician, Certified TEMPEST Professional, Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority,
Computer Network Defense (CND) Auditor, Ethical Hacker, Forensic Engineer, Reverse Engineering Engineer
Governance Manager/ Information Security Engineer/ Internal Enterprise Auditor, CMMC auditor, ISO compliance.
Network Security Engineer/ Penetration Tester, Red Team Technician/ Reverse Engineer Risk/Vulnerability Analyst
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Technician/ Vulnerability Manager and much more


Here are some of the careers available to our graduates:


All students are expected to attend all classes according to the schedule on their course registration page (course/ certificate enrollment (agreement).


Schedule Changes may be approved. An approval is dependent upon the course rotation.
Student who meets the admissions requirements for a start date may request a change to their start date.


If the start of a program needs to be delayed or cancelled, the School will work with the Student to arrange a new start date. Should a refund be required, it will be done in accordance with the refund policy contained within this catalog.


The President makes the decision to open late or close. Check your text messages, Facebook, local TV and/or radio stations for school information.


SU does not offer leaves of absence.


Students must report to class on time. Late arrival for any reason must be communicated and explained to the Educator and/or Executive Director at your location.


All students must attend all classes. Failure to communicate with the president may result in a reschedule of class and/or loss of Title IV funding.


The school maintains educational records and attendance records for a period of seven years. A transcript shall be retained permanently. These records include:


A Student will be considered as withdrawn when one of the following occurs:

  1. The Student officially notifies the President, of his/her intent to withdraw.
  2. A formal termination (unofficial withdraw) by the Student shall occur not more than 14 consecutive calendar days from the last day of physical attendance.
  3. The School officially notifies the Student of dismissal from the program.


The school reserves the right to dismiss / suspend a Student for any reason, including but not limited to the following:


SU has developed a “Policy against Harassment” that is given at the time of enrollment. The Policy provides information on how an individual can bring any violations of the Policy to SU s attention. It also includes guidelines for the investigation of complaints and enforcement of the Policy. Please address any questions regarding the Policy to the president.


SU has zero tolerance for any forms of violence or threats, offensive language or aggressive behavior, bullying, use of or possession of illegal substances or alcohol, possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, or any other dangerous weapon (any instrument that may be used to inflict bodily harm), theft and fraud.


SU has an open door policy. Issues or concerns should immediately be shared with the president. If the issue or concern is not resolved or the student, staff, or interested third party feels uncomfortable addressing the issue in person a formal written complaint may be submitted to the President. If a resolution is not found and you want to file a formal complaint you must follow the steps below:

  1. Request a grievance form from the President or any other staff member.
  2. Email completed grievance form to
    a. Complete all fields, b. Give clear detailed information, c. Complete contact information
    After submission to the President Email address, you will receive notification, within 3 business days, notifying you your grievance has been received.
  3. If after careful evaluation, the problem cannot be solved through discussion, the complaint will be referred to the SU Advisory Board.
  4. The President will respond within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the complaint and review the allegations.
    a. If additional information from the complainant is needed a representative from SU will contact you.
    b. After the grievance is investigated, you will be informed of the steps taken to correct the problem, or information to show the allegations are not warranted or based on fact.
  5. Records of complaints are retained according to the School’s record keeping policy.
    Non-Retaliation - Policy Statement - If a complainant wishes to pursue a matter, a complaint form is available through the Schools’ accrediting agency. SU’s accrediting agency requires the complainant attempt to resolve any issues through the School’s complaint process prior to filing a complaint with the school’s accrediting agency. This procedure does not in any way limit a student’s right to exercise his or her legally protected rights. A complaint may also be filed with the school’s accrediting or regulatory agency. Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools 3624 Market Street, 2 West, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Main Telephone Number: 267-284-5000 Fax: 610-617-1106 Fax: 215-662-0957 Email:
  6. If the Student complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the Shool’s grievance procedure, the Student may file a complaint with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. The Student should submit an online complaint at: State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Private and Out-of-State PostSecondary Education
    101 N. 14th Street, 9th Floor James Monroe Building, Richmond, VA 23219 Tel: (804) 225-2600 | Fax: (804) 225-2604


For cases when a complaint is not settled at the institution's level it can be sent for further consideration to: Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools 3624 Market Street, 2 West, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Main Telephone Number: 267-284-5000 Fax: 610-617-1106 Fax: 215-662-0957 Email: Web:


SU is committed to providing a safe educational environment which is free of violence, harassment and discrimination. Therefore, in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), along with its amendments made pursuant to the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), SU has adopted strict policies regarding these matters. Additionally, in accordance with our school’s obligations under Title IX, SU will excuse Student absences due to pregnancy or related conditions, as long as the Student’s doctor deems the absences to be medically necessary. The doctor will also need to identify the dates which should be excused based on his/her medical determination.


SU does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin / national origin, disability, perceived gender, or gender identity in its programs or activities. Questions regarding non- discrimination policies can be referred to you by the school’s president.


Students are responsible for what they post on social networking sites (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, wikis, file-sharing and user-generated video and audio). SU does not permit ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, and intimidation, cyber bullying or engaging in conduct that would not be acceptable in SU on any of SU’s social media sites. SU reserves the right to remove any posts at its discretion. It is the duty of SU to protect itself from undue harm related to information that is shared on social networking sites.


Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject a Student to civil and criminal liabilities. A summary of the penalties may be found at: Students who engage in illegal downloading or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the school’s information system will be terminated.


In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, it is the policy of SU (the “School”) to maintain confidentiality of information entrusted to it by eligible Students. Therefore, prior to each release of information an “Authorization for Release of Information” form must be filled out by the eligible Student for every request of Student information to a third party. Information is released only on the condition that the party to whom the information is disclosed will not disclose the information to any other party without the prior consent of the eligible Student or parent/guardian. A Student may review the Student’s record by contacting the President to make an appointment. The president will be present during the review to provide supervision and interpretation. A Student shall be permitted to review his/her record on file anytime by email request to the president. An eligible Student may seek to amend education records that the Student believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the Student’s privacy rights.


Students at SU are held to the professional dress code. Dress is business casual. We require all students to present themselves in a professional manner with regard to attire, personal hygiene and appearance. Students should dress in a manner that is appropriate for a business setting. Clothing must be clean and neat and must fit appropriately.


Misconduct is considered to be in conflict with the educational objectives of the school and thus subject to immediate dismissal. Misconduct is cheating, forgery, plagiarism, furnishing false information, alteration of school documents, disruption or obstruction of teaching or administration, physical abuse of any person on school premises, theft or damage to school premises and property of other students, and use of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs on school property.  Any sexual misconduct in class will not be tolerated. A student may appeal an immediate dismissal.