Center for Qualified CyberSecurity Excellence & Mastery

"Where Qualified Cyber Education Happens"


Job Zone Complete Schedule


If you have any questions or require further information, please e-mail

Tips for a successful event

  • Business or military attire is highly recommended when attending the event. Admission is free.
  • Bring many copies of your resume to hand out to employers & arrive early to maximize your interviewing time at the event.
  • Be prepared to visit with the companies & organizations of your choice by researching them in advance.
  • Pre-register online : This will allow recruiters to find your resume & schedule face-to-face interviews before the event. It also saves you time when you arrive at the show.
  • We encourage you to invite your friends, colleagues & family members who are experienced professionals with an active clearance.
  • Prepare & practice your brief personal description of your professional skills, unique abilities, past successful accomplishments & relevant experience.
  • Follow up immediately with all of the companies that were of strong interest to you with a phone call, email and/or letter.

The evening before the event, get a good night's sleep. The morning of the show try to eat a healthy breakfast and exercise