Center for Qualified CyberSecurity Excellence & Mastery

"Where Qualified Cyber Education Happens"

Security University
Center for Qualified Cyber Security
Excellence & Mastery

Qualified Matters.
Success is doing it once.
Mastery is the ability to do it repeatedly at the same level of excellence.

Many people will experience success, but few will experience mastery.

How will an accredited Q/CSP Qualified/ Cyber Security Professional® Certificate make a difference in your future? Mastery matters, Learn More call 203-249-8364

SUs Q/ISP® and SUT® Certfications, Q/IAP®, Q/SSE®, Q/WP® & Q/CND® are MSA-CESS accredited. You will learn competency /preformance based cybersecurity skills that lead to high wage, in-demand cyber employment. All SU Qualified programs and courses are non-degree & Hybrid Distance Ed Approved.

Certificate vs Certification

Earning a SU Certificate Program of Mastery  is a way for you to earn non-degree credits in a structured, discipline-specific way. A SU Certificate of Mastery prepares you to advance in your career, gain the extra knowledge needed to stay competitive and up-to-date in cybersecurity. Completion of a SU CyberSecurity Certificate Program of Mastery demonstrates evidence of specialized cybersecurity education achievement with hours of practicum preformance based skills validated by peers, not just an exam. Recognized by Security University, accredited by MSA- CESS and NSA- CNSS 4011, 4012, 4013A, 4015, 4016A (expiring 2018).

There are many fields that have professional certifications that may be recommended or required (teaching, project management, accounting). A cybersecurity certificate program of mastery does not lead to a professional certification. Yes, the courses you take in a certificate program could help you prepare to earn a professional field-specific certification, but earning a certificate is not the same as becoming certified. Its much more, it indicates completion of a course or series of courses with a particular focus.

Certificate Certification
Result of an educational process Result of an assessment process
For newcomers and experienced professionals Typically requires experience
Indicates completion of a course or series of courses with a particular focus Indicates mastery/competency measured against a standard – usually by exam
Course content set through academic process Standards set through an industry-wide process
Usually listed on a resume detailing education Typically results in a designation to use after one's name (CPA, SPHR, PMP)
Demonstrates knowledge of course content Often has ongoing training requirement (C.E.U.s)
Gateway to a degree No relationship to attaining higher education/degree

All Q/ISP® , Q/IAP® , Q/WP® , Q/SSE® , Q/CND® , Q/CSP® Certification exams available without classes - $450

Qualified/ Cyber Security Professional Certificate Programs of Mastery - Q/ISP® Qualified/ Information Security Professional® (CPoM) 7 weeks of instructor led classes and Q/ISP® exam $11,000.

SU’s innovative and intense cybersecurity certificate programs provides you with the most current knowledge, skills and concepts for protecting critical cyber infrastructure and assets. Perfect for midcareer IT professionals but assuming no previous experience in cyber security.

Cyberspace has transformed the daily lives of people for the better. The rush to adopt cyberspace, however, has exposed its fragility and vulnerabilities: corporations, agencies, national infrastructure and individuals have been victims of cyber-attacks. A strategic plan for cybersecurity education to get ahead of risk, bolster education and training in cybersecurity, establish a process and methodology of cybersecurity education for the current and upcoming workforce at CyberCommands and Industry is lacking.

To achieve a competency and preformance based cybersecurity certificate progam of mastery education, Security University developed 5 hands-on performance based qualified network, assurance, wireless, application,SOC security classes,certiifcation exams and workshops stacked on top of 3 foundation IT security classes to complete an overarching Q/ISP, Q/IAP, Q/WP, Q/SSE, Q/CND Certificate Program of Mastery (CPoM). SU's CPoM teaches cyber warriors hands-on performance based security skills with real practicums for the job role in cyber dominance. SU’s effective and efficient cybersecurity education methods for the non-traditional workforce result in an unrivaled cybersecurity workforce and citizenry capable of advancing America's economic prosperity and national security in the 21st century.

"SU Q/ISP Certificate" program consists of 936 hrs
5 competency based courses, 1 Q/PTL workshop, Security+, CASP, CISSP, Linux+ and complete 3 practical’s.

Q/ISP® Qualified/ Information Security Professional Certificate Program of Mastery Certification.
Q/EH®, Q/SA®-Q/PTL®, Q/FE®, Q/ND® provides THE only means of identifying, certifying and validating "qualified persons" who subscribe to a rigorous requirement for maintaining their knowledge and proficiency with validated security skills and hands-on practical security experience

Why Qualification Matters

Your organization can also use the "Qualified TrustMark" on your proposals and RFI/ FRP's with 3 or more Q/ISP's in your organization. Earning your Q/ISP certificate makes a statement about your commitment to CyberSecurity. You'll be recognized as an individual who is qualified to implement information security, who is knowledgeable, serious, and is a dedicated professional - a part of the globally recognized Q/ISP Qualified/ Information Security Professional family..

Earning your Q/ISP certificate makes a statement about your commitment to CyberSecurity. You'll be recognized as an individual who is qualified to implement information security, who is knowledgeable, serious, and is a dedicated professional - a part of the globally recognized Q/ISP Qualified/ Information Security Professional family.

How we Help You

When it comes to educating and qualifying information security professionals throughout their careers, Security University is the global leader in hands-on performance based cyber security skills training that validate your skills.

Where Qualified Cyber Security Professionals Happens.

Your Q/ISP credential will open doors and provide networking opportunities at the Mastery level of Information Security, Information Assurance and Cyber Security.

Q/ISP® Qualified/ Information Security Professional Certificate of Mastery CoM non degree
CNSS 4011/ 4102/ 4013/ 4015/ 4016A

Q/SA® Qualified/ Security Analyst Certification
Q/PTL® Qualified/ Penetration Tester License Workshop Class
Q/EH® Qualified/ Ethical Hacker Certification Training Class CNSS 4011/ 4012
Q/FE® Qualified/ Forensic Expert Certification Training Class CNSS 4011/ 4012/ 4013/4015 /4016
Q/ND® Qualified/ Network Defender Certification Training Class CNSS 4011/ 4012/ 4013/ 4015/ 4016A
All Q/ISP exams available without classes

Q/IAP® Qualified/ Information Assurance Professional Certificate of Mastery CoM

CNSS 4011/ 4012/ 4013/ 4105/ 4016A
Q/AAP® Qualified/ Access, Authentication & PKI Professional Certification Training Class
Q/NSP® Qualified/ Network Security Policy Admin + Services Oriented Architect (SOA) Certification Training Class
Q/CA® Qualified/ Certification and Accreditation Process Certification Training Class

All Q/IAP exams available without classes

8570 Certification Training Classes
(ISC)²® CISSP® Prep Class & Exam Certification Training Class CNSS 4011, 4012
SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner Certification Training Class
Security + Certification Training Class

Q/WP™ Wireless Certifications Certificate of Mastery CoM

Q/WP™ Qualified/Wireless Professional / CWNA Certified Wireless Network Administrator Certification Training Class
Q/WSP™ Qualified/ Wireless Security Professional Certification Training Class / CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional Certification Training Class
Q/WNA™/Q/WSP™ Bootcamp Certified Wireless Network and Security Professional Bootcamp Certification Training Class
Q/WAD® Qualified/ Wireless Analyst & Defender
All Q/WP exams available without classes

Q/SSE® Qualified/ Software Security Expert Certificate of Mastery CoM
Qualified SW Security Expert 5-Day Bootcamp Certification Training Class
Qualified SW Security Penetration Testing Certification Training Class
Qualified SW Testing Bootcamp (in-house only) Certification Training Class
How to Break Web Security Certification Training Class
How to Break Software Code Certification Training Class
Fundamentals of Secure Software Programming Certification Training Class
Qualified SW Security Hacker Certification Training Class
Qualified SW Security Testing Best Practices Certification Training Class
Introduction to Reverse Engineering Certification Training Class
All Q/SSE exams available without classes

Q/ISP Certificate Program of Mastery CPoM

This certificate is obtained through Security University for the purpose of recognizing qualified individuals who have distinguished themselves as knowledgeable and proficient information security practitioner skilled in hands-on tactical security. The Q/ISP Mastery Level Certificate identifies and certifies qualified persons who subscribe to a rigorous requirement for maintaining their knowledge and proficiency in the Information Security/ Cyber Security Profession that have validated security skills and practical experience.

Certification is awarded to those qualified individuals who achieve a prescribed qualified level of  hands-on information security experience, comply with a professional code of ethics, and pass a rigorous examinations on the Q/ISP Body of Knowledge for information security/ cyber security. In order to maintain currency in the field, each Q/ISP must complete participation in research or study, attendance at recognized subject-matter training and professional educational programs, presentation or publication of information security papers, contributions to the information security Q/ISP Body of Knowledge, or service in professional organizations. Each Q/ISP must acquire 216 CPE continuing professional education credits every three years or have a valid Security+. CASP, CISSP or SAN’s certification of cybersecurity proficiency. .

CISSP® is a registered trademark of (ISC)2®
SU CISSP Training classes are not endorsed or sponsored by (ISC)2®
CEH® CHFI® are EC Council registered trademarks
SU CWNA / CWSP Training classes are not endorsed or sponsored by CWNP®


Please ask us how we can help your team today. Contact us at SU at 203-357-7744 or 877.357.7744

COMPTIA® CASP   Class 72 Hrs - $3,990

Master the knowledge of security concepts, tools and procedures to conceptualize, design, and engineer secure solutions across complex enterprise environments.

SU’s CISSP® ISC2 Training Class  72 Hrs. - $3,990

The vendor-neutral CISSP certification is the ideal credential for those with proven deep technical and managerial competence, skills, experience, and credibility to design, engineer, implement, and manage their overall information security program to protect organizations from growing sophisticated attacks

Q/ISP® Qualified/ Information Security Professional education Certificate of Mastery / 4 weeks $8,495

Q/EH®, Q/SA®-Q/PTL®, Q/FE®, Q/ND® provides THE only means of identifying and certifying "qualified persons" who subscribe to a rigorous requirement for maintaining their knowledge and proficiency with validated security skills and hands-on practical security experience.

Certification is awarded to those qualified individuals who achieve a prescribed qualified level of  hands-on information security experience, comply with a professional code of ethics, and pass a rigorous examinations on the Q/ISP Body of Knowledge for information security/ cyber security. In order to maintain currency in the field, each Q/ISP must complete participation in research or study, attendance at recognized subject-matter training and professional educational programs, presentation or publication of information security papers, contributions to the information security Q/ISP Body of Knowledge, or service in professional organizations. Each Q/ISP must acquire 216 CPE continuing professional education credits every three years or have a valid Security+. CASP, CISSP or SAN’s certification of cybersecurity proficiency. .

CISSP® is a registered trademark of (ISC)2®
SU CISSP Training classes are not endorsed or sponsored by (ISC)2®
CEH® CHFI® are EC Council registered trademarks
SU CWNA / CWSP Training classes are not endorsed or sponsored by CWNP®


Please ask us how we can help your team today. Contact us at SU at 203-357-7744 or 877.357.7744