Center for Qualified CyberSecurity Excellence & Mastery

"Where Qualified Cyber Education Happens"

Security University Exams - TesTrac

TesTracSecurity University's certification exam are hosted by TesTrac, the leader in test development and delivery. The online testing site makes the distribution and execution of exams a breeze, from enrollment to test-taking to immediate exam results. TesTrac provides real-time access to exams while offering a range of question types, test editing and formatting services. The end result is an online testing program which provides valuable interactive testing.

TesTrac offers unparalleled customization of testing for Security University, plus unmatched customization and security using SSL encryption. All test interaction occurs on TesTrac's servers while ensuring test material isn't downloaded and cached on a test-taker's workstation. TesTrac controls the access that participants are granted to tests and test-related data, while providing maximum flexibility, such as exams assigned by several demographics, assigned exams in 11 different languages, and true-time on-test tracking.

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